The Idea of the Unix Programming Environment
Ever heard of the Unix principle? There are several actually, but the most well-known is the concept of “do one thing and do it well”.
Dependency Injection Considered
HarmfulStupid - Part 2After messing around with dependency injection frameworks in the first part, let’s see how we can take our LotR example and unclutter it by using data-oriented functional programming in Elixir!
The Rusty Nuts and Bolts
Lately I’ve been messing around with the Rust programming language. Here’s to the why, how and what.
Dependency Injection Considered
HarmfulStupidEver used a dependency injection framework? Yes? In an object oriented language?
Introducing ‘to entice so.’
Despite the misleading title of this - it could as well be a social engineering guide - I’m going to introduce a free, libre and open-source software project that I’m in charge of.